Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Oh science gone horribly awry! While trying to create a new breed of cyborg killbots, the (possibly inebriated) Division of Biotech Tinkering accidentally created the adorable, and entirely non-lethal, Robohamster.

Having no marketable planetary invasion skills, the prolifically replicating (you don't want to know...) critters have instead been boxed up to sell as odd little pets.

Palm sized and printed in multiple colors of durable 3D fabricated plastic, you can have your very own Robohamster today!

$50 + shipping. Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery to allow for replication time.
Payment can be made securely through Paypal below.

Choose Your Color!

..........signal override..................please stand by for an important announcement.....

Do you want Robohamster to be freed from corporate slavery and released for everyone to enjoy?

Donate to the Free Robohamster fund today!

If our goals are met to raise $1000 before the end of August, Robohamster will be release under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. In addition:

-  All 3D models will be downloadable for free at this website.
-  Will be uploaded to Thingiverse, an online repository of digital designs.
-  Will be made available to print at cost (~$20, depending on material), with $0 markup on Shapeways.

Contribute as little or as much as you wish, and tell your friends about the plight of this poor little abomination of science!

Please see the Modus Operandi page to learn more about why we are doing this, and watch for more Improbablecog designs, both new and old, to be released into the public domain.

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