Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Beta Phase Jewelry

I've been working like a madman lately, so here's a slew of new stuff that is in Beta Phase; yet to be produced, but ready to go.

Bladewing Earrings and Plugs
A new wing design available for small gauge piercings as a dangle earring, or larger gauges as a plug.

Aries Plugs
A ram horn-like plug designed to curl out from the back of the ear.

Tribot Plugs
Tiny ear robots!

Tribot Earrings
Tiny ear robots for small gauges!

Wing and Flora Earrings with Fish Hooks
For those with piercings smaller than 18g, or who just like more movement to their earrings, there are now versions of the Wing and Flora designs with fish hook ear wires!

All of these items can already be purchased at the Etsy shop, and all stainless jewelry is also available in an antique bronze patina.

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